Lindsey Johns from Inside the Hem shares a fantastic video about sewing with lightweight spring fabrics. Tips for everything from cutting, pressing, needle sizes, stitch lengths, and more. Lindsay discusses sewing with rayon challis, linen, eyelet, rayon jersey, and seersucker. All of these fabrics are wonderful for warmer temperatures and climates. Great garment sewing tips! A must watch.
Watch now:
Check out these cool pattern weights mentioned in the video:

More for spring:

Spring 2020 Sewing Trends

Spring and Summer Jacket | Free Sewing Pattern from PlanB

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#eyeletfabric #seersucker #voile #rayon #patternweights #universalneedle #sewingmachineneedles #fashionsewing #fabric #linen #pressing #Spring #rayonblend #pressingeyelet #lightweightfabric #challis #garmentsewing #press #steam #rayonjersey #InsidetheHem #flowy #rotarycutter #scissors #seamallowance #springfashionsewing #lightweightjersey #eyelet #cottonfabric #microtex