Sew Very Easy’s Shades of Grey Quilt Block of the Month Video Series1 min read Laura Coia demonstrates how easy this quilt is to make using Quilting Confections free pattern: Shades of Grey quilt block of the month. #modernquilting #quiltingvideo #quiltseries #freequiltpattern #grey #quiltingtutorial #quiltblocks #blockofthemonth #quiltblock #ShadesofGrey #LauraAnnCoia #SewVeryEasy
Laura Coia demonstrates how easy this quilt is to make using Quilting Confections free pattern: Shades of Grey quilt block of the month. #modernquilting #quiltingvideo #quiltseries #freequiltpattern #grey #quiltingtutorial #quiltblocks #blockofthemonth #quiltblock #ShadesofGrey #LauraAnnCoia #SewVeryEasy