The Fat Quarter Shop demonstrates a quick and simple quilting technique for finishing off your smaller quilts. Learn how to use excess backing fabric as your binding. This simple quilting technique leaves us with very little waste and a sweet finish for your quilts. The quilt blocks featured within this video are all featured in Lori Holt‘s new book, Farm Girl Vintage.


Easy Faux Piped Binding for Quilts
Video: Four Simple Steps to Sew Denim Pot Holders or Mitts with Pockets
Topic: Kids Apron Set – Free Pattern (Apron, Two Pot Holders, One Oven Mitt)
Video: How to Sew Oven Gloves
Photo: Long Arm Oven Mitts – Free Sewing Pattern from So Sew Easy
Photo: Pink Petals Kitchen Couture
Photo: Strip Quilted Oven Mitt
Photo: Oven Mitt Pattern & Tutorial
Quick Quilted Gifts from Craftsy

More quilt blocks:
Springtime Tulip Blooms! Free Quilt Block Pattern from Quilt Doodle Designs
Nautical Star Paper Pieced Quilt + Free Mariner’s Compass Pattern
Create an Easy Chevron Block Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Co.!
Create a Modern Spring Pinwheel Quilt Block with SewVeryEasy + Pretty Pinwheels by You!
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